Drawing on a Matplotlib Plot
It’s easy to draw on a Matplotlib plot and capture the coordinates of the points by using a LassoSelector
. Here’s an example script:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import LassoSelector
import numpy as np
# function saying what to do with the vertices
def on_lasso(vertices):
data = np.random.random((500, 500))
# properties of the line to visualize what you just drew
line_props = dict(color="red", linewidth=2)
# make the visualization
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lasso = LassoSelector(ax, on_lasso, props=line_props)
ax.imshow(data, vmin=0, vmax=1)
Instead of merely printing the vertices, you could save them to a list for later usage. Or you could get fancy and draw them back on the plot.
I discovered this handy trick when writing SolarAnnotator, a tool to create ground truth data for solar image segmentation.
Overall, the LassoSelector
is a powerful way to enable easy annotation in a Matplotlib plot.
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