
This is an incomplete view of my accomplishments and work history.

  • Presented at DASH 2024

    Presented about the PUNCH SOC at the DASH 2024 meeting

  • Promoted to Senior Computer Scientist

    I was promoted to Senior Computer Scientist at SwRI and given the official title of PUNCH Science Operations Center Manager.

  • Published paper on point spread function regularization

    Published Coma Off It: Regularizing Variable Point-spread Functions in the Astronomical Journal

  • Started at Southwest Research Institute

    Began working as a Research Computer Scientist creating the PUNCH data reduction pipeline.

  • Published my first paper

    Published Real-time solar image classification: Assessing spectral, pixel-based approaches in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

  • Graduated college

    Graduated from Williams College with B.A. in computer science and astronomy.